iNFUSION - IASIS Biofeedback
What Is IASIS Neurofeedback?
IASIS is a neurofeedback device that allows the brain to reset or reorganize itself. It utilizes microcurrents to promote healthy, functional brainwave patterns.
With all the stresses of today's world many people experience a dysfunctional homeostasis, meaning their brain “freezes (much like a computer freezes). This frozen state confuses or disarranges the individual’s brainwaves. Micro Current from the IASIS Neurofeedback device briefly stimulates the brain at a micro-level, creating a temporary fluctuation in brainwaves. This allows the brain to reset or reorganize itself, thus releasing itself from its frozen or stuck patterns. This is analogous to re-booting a frozen computer. Only frozen, stuck patterns are affected. Healthy, functional brainwave patterns are flexible and resilient. When there is a tiny fluctuation they automatically spring back to their healthy patterns. Those who have been treated with Micro Current Neurofeedback have reported that their condition and related symptoms have diminished.